IPOS-Renal and Translations
IPOS-Renal in EnglishIPOS-Renal has been developed as a result of demand from clinicians to merge IPOS and POS-S Renal.
IPOS-Renal is a short measure (11 questions), combining the most common symptoms renal patients experience plus additional items from IPOS on concerns beyond symptoms, such as information needs, practical issues, family anxiety. IPOS has been validated in a mixed population of those with cancer and non-cancer diagnosis, including renal patients, and shows good content and construct validity, reliability, and responsiveness to change (results being prepared for publication).
IPOS-Renal is suitable for clinical use and a full scale validation of IPOS-Renal is planned soon.
If you would like further information about IPOS-Renal please .
The POS family of measures are copyright and free to use. We ask you to register to download files or see links on this page. Once you have registered you will be able to download the materials and we can contact you with any updates or further information. Czech IPOS-RenalThe Czech IPOS-renal versions were translated and culturally adapted to Czech by Doctor Zuzana Kremenova from Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady Prague and Karolina Vlckova from Centre for Palliative Care Prague. For information, education and implementation of the Czech IPOS-renal please send an email to .
The Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale - renal (IPOS-renal) was developed to answer the requests from healthcare professionals and researchers to merge both IPOS and POS-S. The IPOS-renal was designed to be used in clinical practice, as well as research. The IPOS-renal has two versions (patient and staff).
The POS family of measures are copyright and free to use. We ask you to register to download files or see links on this page. Once you have registered you will be able to download the materials and we can contact you with any updates or further information. Information for registration:
1. Fill out the New Account form with your details.
2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address.
3. Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
4. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
5. From then on you will only need to enter your personal username and password to log in and access POS documents and courses.
Česká verze IPOS-renalČeská verze IPOS-r byla přeložena a kulturně adaptovaná pro české prostředí doktorkou Zuzanou Křemenovou z Fakultní Nemocnice Královské Vinohrady v Praze a magistrou Karolínou Vlčkovou z Centra Paliativní Péče v Praze. Máte-li zájem o bližší informace ohledně edukace a implementace české verze IPOS-r, napište email na .
The Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale - renal (IPOS-renal) vznikl na podnět zdravotníků a vědeckých pracovníků a je spojením IPOS and POS-S.
IPOS-r je vhodný pro použití v klinické praxi i ve výzkumu. IPOS-r má dvě verze (pro pacienty a pro zdravotníky).
POS skupina dotazníků podléhá autorským právům a je volně k použití. Prosíme Vás, před stažením dotazníků se zaregistrujte register nebo použijte odkazy uvedené níže na této stránce. Po registraci Vám bude umožněno stažení dotazníků a my Vás můžeme kontaktovat ohledně aktualizací a dalších informací.
Informace k registraci:
1. Vyplňte formulář „Nový účet” a zadejte své údaje
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5. Poté již k přihlášení bude stačit Vaše uživatelské jméno a heslo a budete moci přistupovat k POS dokumentům a kurzům
Danish IPOS-RenalThe Danish IPOS-renal versions were translated and culturally adapted to Danish by Jeanette Finderup from Department of Renal Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. For information, education and implementation of the Danish IPOS-renal please send an email to .
The Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale - renal (IPOS-renal) was developed to answer the requests from healthcare professionals and researchers to merge both IPOS and POS-S. The IPOS-renal was designed to be used in clinical practice, as well as research. The IPOS-renal has two versions (patient and staff).
The POS family of measures are copyright and free to use. We ask you to register to download files or see links on this page. Once you have registered you will be able to download the materials and we can contact you with any updates or further information. Information for registration:
1. Fill out the New Account form with your details.
2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address.
3. Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
4. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
5. From then on you will only need to enter your personal username and password to log in and access POS documents and courses.
Dansk IPOS-renalDen danske version af IPOS-renal blev oversat og kulturelt tilpasset til dansk af Klinisk Sygeplejespecialist og lektor Jeanette Finderup fra Aarhus Universitetshospital. Send venligst en e-mail til for mere information, uddannelse og implementering af den danske IPOS-renal.
The Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale – renal (IPOS-renal) blev udviklet for at efterkomme den efterspørgsel sundhedspersonale og forskere havde om en fusion af IPOS og POS-S. IPOS-renal er designet til at blive brugt i klinisk praksis såvel som ved forskning. IPOS-renal har to versioner (patient og personale).
POS-familien af måleredskaber er ophavsretligt beskyttet og gratis at bruge. Vi beder dig registrere dig for at downloade filer eller se links på denne side. Når du er registreret, vil du være i stand til at downloade materialet, og vi kan kontakte dig med eventuelle opdateringer eller yderligere information.
Information for tilmelding:
1. Udfyld formularen ny konto med dine oplysninger.
2. Der vil straks blive sendt en e-mail til din e-mailadresse.
3. Læs din e-mail, og klik på det weblink, det indeholder.
4. Din konto vil blive bekræftet, og du vil blive logget ind.
5. Herfra skal du kun indtaste dit personlige brugernavn og adgangskode for at logge ind og få adgang til POS-dokumenter og kurser.
Portuguese IPOS-RenalThe Portuguese IPOS-renal versions were translated and culturally adapted to Portuguese by Ivo Ribeiro and Professor Doctor Luís Carlos Carvalho da Graça (PhD) of Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo - Escola Superior de Saúde (Viana do Castelo). For information, education and implementation of the Portuguese IPOS-renal please send an email to .
The Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale - renal (IPOS-renal) was developed to answer the requests from healthcare professionals and researchers to merge both IPOS and POS-S. The IPOS-renal was designed to be used in clinical practice, as well as research. The IPOS-renal has two versions (patient and staff).
The POS family of measures are copyright and free to use. We ask you to register to download files or see links on this page. Once you have registered you will be able to download the materials and we can contact you with any updates or further information. Information for registration:
1. Fill out the New Account form with your details.
2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address.
3. Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
4. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
5. From then on you will only need to enter your personal username and password to log in and access POS documents and courses.
Portuguese IPOS-RenalAs versões Portuguesas da IPOS-renal foram traduzidas e culturalmente adaptadas para a população portuguesa por Ivo Ribeiro, com a orientação do Professor Doutor Luís Graça, docente da Escola Superior de Saúde de Viana do Castelo (ESSVC). Para informação, educação e implementação da IPOS-renal Portuguesa, por favor envie um email para .
A Escala Integrada de necessidades paliativas – doentes renais (IPOS-renal) foi desenvolvida após vários pedidos de profissionais de saúde e investigadores para juntar a IPOS e a POS-S renal numa única medida. A IPOS-renal foi desenhada para ser usada quer na prática clínica, quer em investigação. Existem duas versões da IPOS-renal Portuguesa (doente e profissional de saúde).
As medidas POS têm direitos de autor e são de uso gratuito. Pede-se ao utilizador que se registe no website para ter acesso e fazer o download dos ficheiros pretendidos, assim como receber informação periódica e novidades.
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