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Tool comparisons
Conrad R, Mücke M, Marinova M, Burghardt A, Stieber C, Cuhls H, Radbruch L. Measurement of Quality of Life in Palliative Care: Evidence for Criterion-Oriented Validity of a Single-Item Approach. J Palliat Med. 2017 Jan 5. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2016.0218. [Epub ahead of print] Link
Dzingina MD, McCrone P, Higginson IJ. Does the EQ-5D capture the concerns measured by the Palliative care Outcome Scale? Mapping the Palliative care Outcome Scale onto the EQ-5D using statistical methods. Palliat Med. 2017 Apr 1:269216317705608. doi:10.1177/0269216317705608. [Epub ahead of print] Link
Eisenchlas JH, Harding R, Daud ML, Perez M, De Simone GG, Higginson IJ. Use of the palliative outcome scale in Argentina: a cross-cultural adaptation and validation study. J Pain Symptom Manage 2008 Feb;35(2):188-202. Link
Ellis-Smith C, Evans CJ, Bone AE, Henson LA, Dzingina M, Kane PM, Higginson IJ, Daveson BA, on behalf of BuildCARE. Measures to assess commonly experienced symptoms for people with dementia in long-term care settings: a systematic review. BMC Medicine 2016 Feb 26;14(1):38. doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0582-x. Link
Erez G, Selman L, Murtagh FEM. Measuring health-related quality of life in patients with conservatively managed stage 5 chronic kidney disease: limitations of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36: SF-36 Qual Life Res. 2016 25: 2799. doi:10.1007/s11136-016-1313-7 Link
Harding R, Simon ST, Benalia H, Downing J, Daveson BA, Higginson IJ, Bausewein C; on behalf of PRISMA. The PRISMA Symposium 1: Outcome Tool Use. Disharmony in European Outcomes Research for Palliative and Advanced Disease Care: Too Many Tools in Practice. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. 2011. 42(4):493-500. Link
Harding R. Monitoring patients’ status in advanced cancer. Why use a measure and how to choose one? EONS newsletter Autumn 2010:16-17. Link
Heckel M, Bussmann S, Stiel S, Weber M, Ostgathe C. Validation of the German Version of the Quality of Dying and Death Questionnaire for Informal Caregivers (QoDD-D-ANg). J Pain Symptom Manage. 2015 Jun 12. pii: S0885-3924(15)00253-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2015.03.020. Link
Hermann K, Miksch A, Szecsenyi J, Engeser P. Versorgung von palliativpatienten in der hausarztpraxis - übereinstimmung der einschätzung der betreuung aus arzt- und patientensicht mithilfe der Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS) [Palliative care in general practice – concordance of care assessment between General practitioners and patients on the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS)]. Z Palliativmed 2010;11:26-33. Link
Higginson IJ, Donaldson N. Relationship between three palliative care outcome scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2004;2:68. Link
Higginson IJ, Hart S, Silber E, Burman R, Edmonds P. Symptom prevalence and severity in people severely affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Palliative Care 2006;22:158-165. Link
Higginson IJ, Gao W. Caregiver assessment of patients with advanced cancer: concordance with patients, effect of burden and positivity. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2008;6:42. Link
Hudson P, Collins A, Bostanci A, Willenberg L, Stephanov N, Phillip J. Toward a systematic approach to assessment and care planning in palliative care: A practical review of clinical tools. Palliative and Supportive Care. 2015 doi:10.1017/S1478951515000565. Link
Locker LS, Lübbe AS. Quality of life in palliative care: An analysis of quality-of-life assessment. Progress in Palliative Care Volume: 23, Issue: 4, Aug 2015, pp. 208 – 219. Link
Milne D, Aranda S, Jefford M, Schofield P. Development and validation of a measurement tool to assess perceptions of palliative care. Psychooncology. 2013 Apr;22(4):940-6. doi: 10.1002/pon.3071. Epub 2012 Mar 27. Link
Ostgathe C, Wendt KN, Heckel M, Kurkowski S, Klein C, Krause SW, Fuchs FS, Bayer CM, Stiel S (2019). Identifying the need for specialized palliative care in adult cancer patients - development and validation of a screening procedure based on proxy assessment by physicians and filter questions. BMC Cancer, 19(1), 646. doi:10.1186/s12885-019-5809-8 Link
Pelayo-Alvarez M, Perez-Hoyos S, Agra-Varela Y. Reliability and concurrent validity of the Palliative Outcome Scale, the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist, and the Brief Pain Inventory. J Palliat Med. 2013 Aug;16(8):867-74. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2012.0625. Epub 2013 Jun 28. Link
Selman L, Speck P, Gysels M, Agupio G, Dinat N, Downing J, Gwyther L, Mashao T, Mmoledi K, Moll T, Sebuyira LM, Ikin B, Higginson IJ, Harding R. 'Peace' and 'life worthwhile' as measures of spiritual well-being in African palliative care: a mixed-methods study. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013 Jun 10;11:94. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-11-94. Link
Sherry KL, McAuley G. Symptom prevalence and the use of systematic symptom assessment. Palliat Med. 2004 Jan;18(1):75-6. Link
Steinmann D, Schafer C, van OB, Wypior HJ, Bruns F, Bolling T, et al. Effects of radiotherapy for brain metastases on quality of life (QoL). Prospective pilot study of the DEGRO QoL working party. Strahlenther Onkol 2009 Mar;185(3):190-7. Link
van der Willik EM, Meuleman Y, Prantl K, van Rijn G, Bos WJW, van Ittersum FJ et al. (2019). Patient-reported outcome measures: selection of a valid questionnaire for routine symptom assessment in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease – a four-phase mixed methods study. BMC Nephrology, 20(1), 344, doi:10.1186/s12882-019-1521-9. Link
Zimmerman S, Cohen L, van der Steen JT, Reed D, van Soest-Poortvliet MC, Hanson LC, Sloane PD. Measuring End-of-Life Care and Outcomes in Residential Care/Assisted Living and Nursing Homes. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2015 Apr;49(4):666-79. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2014.08.009. Link
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