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Useful sites
Professor Irene J Higginson, King’s College London, Cicely Saunders Institute, Department of Palliative Care, Policy and Rehabilitation, UK – regular updates
Includes a registration form and user guide
Detailed information regarding palliative care, end-of-life care, research and the Support Team Assessment Schedule (STAS)
TIME – Toolkit for Instruments to Measure end-of-life care
Dr Joan Teno, USA – last update 2004
Range of outcome measures are presented and reviewed, with advice on how to choose and use them (audit, research etc)
188 instruments including: advance care planning, carer well-being, continuity of care, emotional symptoms, functional status, grief and bereavement, physical symptoms, quality of life, spirituality
CareSearch: palliative care knowledge network (Flinders University, Australia) – regular updates
Different sections (for example, clinical practice, finding evidence) with a presentation of tools
A variety of tools for different purposes (clinical practice, research, audit)
Detailed information on CAMPAS-R, ESAS; LCP, POS, PCOC, STAS
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