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2015 Outcome measures in palliative care: Using the POS family of measures workshops

On the 5th and 6th of February 2015, the Cicely Saunders Institute hosted and ran a two-day workshop on Outcome measures in palliative care: Using the POS family of measures.
The event attracted 191 people across both days, with some attendees travelling in from countries including Sweden, Italy and Singapore. Attendees included among others clinicians, researchers and policy makers.
"I enjoyed the whole day, presentation with built in time for discussion and group work. It filled in the gaps of how to use IPOS and the data more widely." Anonymous
Click the tabs along the top to see pictures of the workshops, feedback from participants, tweets during the workshops and the original workshop programme and registration information. Click here to show all the sections on a single long page.
A video lecture will be added soon.


"Definitely worth attending. I feel more confident now about using IPOS both for patient care but also service development and national data requirements" POS 2015
"Really well led, excellent speakers, especially Fliss - brilliant, especially liked the practice 'have a go' workshop" anonymous
"I just want to take a minute to say: blimey the work in Africa is amazing! Richard Harding giving brilliant presentation @CSI_KCL" @Becbaines
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